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Office Receptionist


Our Employment and Community Access Programs are made possible through partnerships with inclusive businesses in the Leduc area.  If you are interested in learning more about inclusion and how you can get involved in these programs,please contact us today! 

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Day Program



  • Employment Preparation Classes

  • Work Experience 

  • Job Search Support

  • Training Support

  • Ongoing on-site coaching

Community Access 

  • Volunteerism

  • Community based classes/activities

  • Expression Through The Arts 

  • Social Opportunities

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Residential Program


Support Homes

  • Individuals live in a supportive home environment

  • Individuals are supported to be as independent as possible considering their needs and goals

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  • Designed to give families and caregivers a break

  • Completed in 24 hour or hourly increments


Supported Independent Living (Outreach):

  • Individuals living in their own apartment with support from staff to maintain independence. 

  • Skill development based.  Examples include; budgeting, cooking, personal safety, apartment management.  

Youth (FSCD)

  • Daily and Hourly Respite

  • Community Aid support

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LINX Staff have compiled some helpful resources for everyone from individuals served, family members, caregivers, staff and more! Click here to view! 


Individuals who may be interested in receiving support services from Leduc LINX Connect Centre and determine eligibility should contact PDD or FSCD for intake:


Click here to view more info on the PDD program.


Click here for more information on the FSCD program.



106 – 5708 47 Street
Leduc, Alberta
T9E 6Z9


Telephone: 780-980-9423

Fax: 780-980-9429



Mon - Fri : 9 am - 4 pm

Thanks for submitting!

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We respectfully acknowledge that Leduc LINX Connect Centre is on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and traveling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.


The LINX Team strives to deepen our own understanding of the local Indigenous communities and commit to reframing our responsibilities to land and community.

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